This Location input type on Botbaba platform is indeed very useful and effective.
Within this input type, people can mention the location where they want the order to be delivered.
This input type is very useful as it makes the delivery in easier ways possible as the ultimate user select his/her location on the google map and the whoever is going to deliver can track the directions easily which makes this input type effective and saves a lot of time.
You can use the explained type by selecting it from the select input type column shown below in Fig: a

After selecting the Location input type from the select input type column, An icon of location will be shown at the bottom of the chatbot page, Shown in Fig: b
After clicking on the icon, a location page will automatically appear shown in Fig: c and you just need to put your expected delivery location.
After selecting the delivery location, press the arrow icon on the top right corner.
Your location details will get submitted and here you go, by tapping only for three times you can work effectively and efficiently.