How to send order details to the store owner?
On botbaba you can send item details to the store owner using the following methods:
- HTTP Request (API Call)
- WhatsApp Message
- Telegram Message
You can add these actions after chat complete or payment success to send order details to the store owner.
Please refer to see How Triggers & Actions work?
Also you can use #EComReceipt# vairable to populate items ordered.
You can use other dynamic variables like #name#, #mobile#, #address# as well.
Refer to learn more about dynamic variables
Refer the article on Global Variables to learn the variables for Total Amount, Sub-total, etc.
A sample telegram notification is as below:
You have received 1 new order
Name: #name#
Contact No.: #mobile#
Ordertype: #ordertype#
Pickup Time: #time#
Total Amount: #TotalAmount#
Order id: #EComCartId#
Payment Method: #paymentmethod#
Order Link: