How to format a message?
How to give Bold and Italic effect to text?
Go to edit the Block
Bold – To give Bold effect to the text, use double asterisk (**) just before the text and after the text.
For e.g. **Hello**, how are you.
In the example, Hello will appear as bold.
Italic – To give Italic effect to the text, use single asterisk (*) just before the text and after the text.
For e.g. *Hello*, how are you.
In the example, Hello will appear as italic.
Here, “ABC cafe” is given Bold effect and “Leading Brand” and “healthy drinks” is given Italic effect. “**#Welcome#**” will be explained later in this article.
The output will look like this:
How to use Header?
You can use Header 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 for a particular sentence
For giving this effect you need to use “#” and Space just before the text or sentence.
For example,
And the output will be:
This is Header 1 effect. Similarly, you can give effect of header 2, 3, 4 and 5 by adding the hash tags accordingly. Like, to use Header 2, you will be required to use double hash tag “##” and so on and so forth for the rest of the header types.
How to show text in New line?
You are simple required to add “\n \r” to show the next sentence in new line.
For example,
And the output will be:
How to use Bullets and Highlighter?
For using Number Bullets, you will just have to type Number like “1.”, “2.”, etc before text.
For example,
And the output will be:
To use Bullet Points, you need to add single asterisk “*” and space before the text.
For example,
And the output will be:
Highlighter – To highlight a word or text, simply use “`” symbol before and after the text
For example,
And the output will be:
How to add Link or Image in message?
You can simply copy and paste the link you want customers to see. It can either be a website link or form link or any specific link you want customer to checkout.
To add image with the text, you are required to add “![duct](image link)” and the image will be displayed with the message.
For example,
And the output of Link and Image will be: